Cooper is going to be an electrician when he grows up. he is always trying to plug things in or unplug everything he comes across. we put up our tree today and he climbed right underneath and started playing with the plug and lights. he is crazy. but it was so cute i snapped his pic before he crawled away to find a new adventure.
The little Secret 2.20.2016
9 years ago
He is way too cute! Christmas time is so much fun when the kids are little. Teenagers could care less. I had to ask them to put some decorations on the tree. When they were little they asked every 5 seconds. Enjoy them while they are little
Maybe John can teach him a few things! Very cute! Cant believe he is almost 1!!
He is just like Clark getting into stuff that is dangerous! He loves to pull the tree straight down. Yeah we'll see how long our tree can last! They are cute though!
Cooper is really getting so big! I can't believe he is almost a year old! It was fun to get caught up on your seems like I haven't seen you guys forever! I absolutely LOVE Kambree's hair! It's way cute...but I knew Christopher wouldn't like it cut...;) Those Thomas boys and long hair...what is the DEAL? I also LOVE your haircut, too!
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