Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cooper gave us a scare this past week. he got really sick. like kambree did a few years back and was hospitalized with rsv. it wasnt rsv yet and we have to do breathing treatments and give him a steroid to break up the infection. the first 3 days were miserable cuz i couldnt put him down without him getting very upset. and sleep who knew what that was!! he is getting better but still has a bad cough and fever comes and goes. but he is not retracting anymore which is the scary part. babies are so fragile and its so hard when they cant tell you how they feel. so sad he is stuck inside and he is gonna be 1 on friday. plus i cant get any christmas shopping done. bummer. not that we have any money for christmas this year. chris industry is not doing so well this time of year. its a strain. i hope we get through this rough patch soon. i am EXHAUSTED!!merry christmas everyone. lol


karen louise said...

I had no idea....I'm so sorry he has been so sick!!! :( I would love to take Kambree if that would help relieve some stress for you!! Let me know, ok?

Rachel Evans said...

Oh I am so glad that he is okay! I hate it when kids get sick. You all of the sudden feel so helpless! Go take a nap!

Merry Christmas!

Julie said...

Glad to hear Cooper is doing better. I've been thinking about him. I hope things get better soon financially. Merry Christmas. You guys are welcome to come to the Santa party money or no money. Just come and don't worry if you have no money to pay. You have to come. Your kids would love it.

Shorty said...

Oh I'm so glad Cooper is doing better! I've never seen such a sick little boy! It was so good to see him smiling and playing on his birthday!!!! We just love him to pieces; what a sweet grandson!